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Writer's pictureCali Avenue Promotions

Meet Jee

We have been blessed with the opportunity to work with Jee! Here is our interview with them where we got to know them better!

Tell us about yourself! What should people know about you?

My name Jee, an independent artist from Jacksonville, Florida. I grew up on the westside most of my life. I spent most of my 20’s incarcerated. I have been free for 7 years and have managed to build a flawless catalog with no major features or co-signs.

How long have you been making music and what or who inspired you to do so?

I have been making since 2012 but started being serious in 2017. At first it was just freestyling over YouTube beats then I started to dive into the paperwork part of the music. That’s when I started to move and create more calculated. I wasn’t really inspired to do the music but I had a good friend growing up that died named Bo. He used to love to rap & after he passed I was looking for ways to get my pain out. I went from writing poems and then turning them into bars while in jail. Now I’m here. 

We are aware not everyone makes music the same. What is your creative process like?

My creative process is cosmic. Me and my go to producer which also my little God brother basically goes off the vibes for the moment. We could turn a conversation into a track, situations and circumstances to get our juices flowing. He makes a couple of sounds fit together, I began to chant or freestyle & he literally adds to the beat as I’m writing. His instrument selections sparks my writing & my writing inspires his beat. A equilibrium kind of thing. 

Is there any advice you would give to upcoming artists?

Stay yourself. Find your sound based off who you are, support those that support you. Don’t get caught up on the people not supporting because you will eventually not have energy for the ones that do. No short cuts. Don’t have your hand out or looking for help. You won’t became great moving like that.

Who would you say is the best artist of all time?

No such thing. We all were created to be different but at the same time equal! Comparing leads to competition. My opinion or input has no insight or answers for these kind of questions. Everyone is great but we all don’t shine that light. 

Where can people find you on social media?

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